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Announcement Time Everyone... Richmond Olive Oil Co. has a new home!

Announcement Time Everyone...

I wanted to wait until I had the keys in my hand to make this post this. So here goes...

Ladies and gentlemen behold, the new location of my small business-Richmond Olive Oil Co. located at 3545 West Cary St. Formerly Wright Insurance.

After three years of farmers markets, I decided to take it to the next level. I'm going this alone and I'm going to admit, I am absolutely terrified. Terrified of failing, of what I might lose, and what all of you will think of me if I fail.

If I fail, in this endeavor, it won't be for a lack of trying or giving it my all. I just need to make it through the first year and I know everything will be alright.

Lastly, I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported me thus far. Whether you purchased from me, cheered me on, or let me complain during the hard times. Your help means the world to me.

And now the real hard work begins. So standby as I take this old insurance building and turn it into a proper olive oil store! I'll see you at the grand opening.

Yours Truly,

Robert Granados

Richmond Olive Oil Co.

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